Arena from Páraic Mc Gloughlin on Vimeo.
Film by Páraic McGloughlin
A brief look at the earth from above, based on the shapes we make, the game of life, our playing ground - Arena.
A brief look at the earth from above, based on the shapes we make, the game of life, our playing ground - Arena.
Created using Google Earth imagery.
Pearse McGloughlin and I collaborated on the audio resulting in something between music and a soundtrack.
Audio mastered by TJ LippleHear
Audio mastered by TJ LippleHear
more of Pearse's music here :
Arena soundtrack available here:
Amber Willams at Directors Notes took the time to make an interview with me about the making of "Arena" and my work in general , you can check it out here:
Thanks a million Amber.
Thanks a million Amber.