L’artiste britannique Lucy Sparrow travaille un matériau peu habituel, le feutre. Elle découpe, colle, coud et assemble des morceaux de textile pour recréer des objets du quotidien ou de la pop culture. En utilisant toujours sa matière de prédilection, elle crée « 8’till late« , une supérette entièrement composée de produits en feutre.
L’installation située sur la High Line de Manhattan ressemble à première vue à un magasin classique dans lequel on retrouve tous les éléments essentiels d’une épicerie. Des chips aux produits surgelés en passant par le stand de livres et de DVDs, Lucy Sparrow n’a oublié aucun détail.
Elle avait précédemment réalisé une autre installation de ce type, « The Corner Shop », au Royaume-Uni. Mais pour que son magasin soit le plus réaliste possible, l’artiste adapte sa marchandise. Ainsi, le marmite britannique est remplacée par l’emblématique jambon en boîte Spam. Découvrez tout son travail sur son compte Instagram.
James Merry is a hand embroidery artist, originally from Gloucestershire in the UK, now based in Iceland where he has been living and working with Björk since 2009. He works from a small cabin studio on a lake fifteen minutes outside of Reykjavík, working by hand in a variety of mediums. James is a self-taught embroiderer, having originally studied Classical Greek at Oxford University.
He is a photography enthusiast since high school with his first point and shoot digital camera. When he was a kid in 90s always fascinated about computer game and graphics. After high school, he studied and major in 3D Animation at college, from there he learnt about art, design, and various creative software etc.
He later found his passion in photography during the photography class, from there he learnt about technical stuff and used to try different type of film and Lomo cameras to experiment the outcomes of image.
After graduated, he wanted to explore more in the art of compositing so he work in post production field. He was trained to deliver neat work for TV-commercials and feature films, His role is to composite images sequence from different sources from video footages, computer generated images, and still photographs etc.
With his passion in Photography and Compositing, he often create composite images to depict his imagination from the daily life's inspiration during the free time.
He is now a Professional Compositor and Amateur Photographer live and work in Singapore.
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