Since the world is obsessed with everything that's golden, I decided to make a fun 3D series that takes the popular "gold" naming for a spin and tries to depict these products literally or how they would look like, if they were truly made out of gold.
These were printed in 70 x 100 cm sizes, framed and exhibited at a club gallery Plac 33/45 in Ljubljana. The invitation was also made as a render of a product, you can guess which one if you scroll through the end :)
Tools used: 3DS Max, Zbrush, Vray.
Depression is not easy thing to deal with, but sometimes you can take your weakness and turn it into something beautiful.
That's exactly what polish artist Dawid Planeta did - to help himself he created an imaginary world where a small man is traveling through long forgotten jungle meeting his weaknesses and fears presented as giant animals with glowing eyes. The vision created by the artist is dark, mysterious, and very beautiful.
More info: | Facebook
Source : pandaboring
La dyslexie touche beaucoup de personnes mais est généralement peu comprise par les personnes qui n'en souffrent pas. Pour sensibiliser à ce trouble de la lecture, les designers Mohamed Samir, Rijin Kunnath et Ryan Atkinson ont créé cette série d'affiches origami composées de fragments de lettres. Une fois pliée correctement, une forme animale se dévoile en même temps que sa dénomination en toutes lettres.
People with Dyslexia can struggle to read even the simplest of words. Sydlexia wanted to generate awareness about this little-known disorder.
We created a series of posters that illustrate how difficult it can be to make sense of a word you can’t recognize. The designs double up as interactive learning tools in the form of origami posters. Once folded correctly they help forge the connection of the word to the object it represents in the dyslexic mind.
Texte :
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Mark Jenkins est un artiste américain connu pour ses installations et sculptures. Pour ces oeuvres, il utilise la rue comme une scène de théâtre interagissant avec l’environnement. Remplies d’humour et d’intelligence, son travail a été défini de mystique, macabre, choquant et situationniste. Les installations de Jerkin sont un véritable perturbateur du quotidien, faisant réveiller les consciences. Il est sans doute l’un des artistes de rue à suivre.
Written by Costanza
Source : fubiz
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