Studio : Valleeduhamel


Vallée Duhamel is a studio founded by Julien Vallée and Eve Duhamel that favours a playful approach toward work.

Artiste : Milena Naef

Installée à Amsterdam, Milena Naef vient d’une famille de sculpteurs. Pour cette série intitulée « Fleeting Parts », l’artiste rend hommage à son héritage familial tout en explorant à sa façon la matière qu’est le marbre. En mêlant des corps à la pierre, Milena Naef illustre la dimension physique du travail de sculpture ainsi que la relation presque organique au marbre qui en résulte. Une oeuvre poétique qui questionne les interactions entre l’espace et les matériau.

Texte & site : Written by

Content Curator 

Illustrateur : Dexter Maurer

L'illustrateur Dexter Maurer créé des jouets de connues marques.

Dexter Maurer

Director : Edouard Salier

Director, graphic artist, designer, and photographer,
Edouard Salier has demonstrated his skill in many creative disciplines. His projects, most notably his short films Flesh and Empire, have been shown and appreciated around the world. Venice62 Mostra, Resfest (New York, LA, Seoul...), Sundance, Onedotzero, as well as different galleries throughout Paris, have all showcased Edouard's work.

He directed a Clio-Award winning Smirnoff spot, various Nike films, and a prominent spot for Coke. He is well-known for his visually-stimulating music videos for Justice, Air, Massive Attack, Raphael Saadiq, Orishas and other international artists.

An established commercial director, Edouard still takes time to create innovative personal pieces. FOUR, his new short film is currently being awarded and screening festivals, and he is currently developing his first feature project.

Pictoplasma & Project1324 asked you to

Show Your True Self with a Character Selfie!

With several trillion photos now in circulation, what do all the endless selfies, profane profile pics, and pathetic Face Swaps really say about our identities?

In an open call for entries, Pictoplasma challenged young, emerging artists AGED 18-24 to truly express their personality with a self-portrait that lets their real character shine.

From all entries five selected winners will be awarded with a full Pictoplasma Character Design fellowship: Supported by Project 1324, the fellowship covers fees and travel costs to attend the Pictoplasma Academy Mexico City in October 2017, six months of ongoing, personal online mentorship, and a ticket and travel costs to attend the Pictoplasma Berlin Conference in May 2018—including the opportunity to exhibit in a group show!



Óscar Fernando Gómez a grandi dans les quartiers pauvres de Nuevo León au Mexique. Ce photographe de 46 ans est devenu chauffeur de taxi sur le tard afin de documenter sa ville. Toute la journée, il se promène et photographie ce qu'il voit à travers la vitre de son cab. L'accumulation de ces scènes du quotidien font de sa série «Windows» un travail à la fois documentaire et auto-biographique. Repéré par Martin Parr, son travail fait partie de l'exposition collective «Autophoto» à la Fondation Cartier.

Source : liberation